S3 gateway endpoint unable to upload file to S3


SCENARIO: Configure an Amazon S3 gateway endpoint in a VPC. The private subnets inside the VPC do not have outbound internet access. Log in to an Amazon EC2 instance in one of the private subnets and cannot upload a file to an Amazon S3 bucket in the same AWS Region. QUESTION: Does this relate to subnet route table issues of the gateway endpoint or the bucket policy issues?

asked 23 days ago147 views
2 Answers

What is the error you are getting when you fail to upload the file to the bucket?

If it's a Forbidden 403 status code error, its a policy issue (could be either EC2 instance role's policy, endpoint policy or bucket policy).

If it's a timeout it can be missing route or missing outbound security group rule associated with the EC2 instance.

profile pictureAWS
answered 23 days ago
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reviewed 18 days ago

You can work backwards from the error message you are getting. Here is the re:post link - https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/connect-s3-vpc-endpoint that you can refer to, it gives a detailed troubleshooting steps for this scenario.

profile pictureAWS
answered 23 days ago
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reviewed 18 days ago

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