How can I fully close account in all AWS Center?


Hi all! We need to close all our activity in. all our global Center worldwide. What shall I do? Will I receive something like acknowledge about? As an E-mail?

Best regards, Albert

asked 8 months ago376 views
1 Answer


Closing an AWS Account correctly involves a thorough evaluation of the steps to take both before and after the account closure, along with adherence to established guidelines.

Please take a look at this link which describes how to go about closing a standalone account

Please take a look at this link which describes how to go about closing a member account in your organization. To close the management account for the organization, you must first either remove or close all member accounts in the organization.

You may also want to take a look at this article which sheds some light on how to go about closing an AWS account

Hope this helps !

answered 8 months ago

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