AWS Chime: Issues with Business Calling and Phone Number Management


Does AWS Chime still support business calling? Attempts to access Phone Number Management through Chime result in a 403 error. It seems that phone numbers are now managed through Chime SDK, but there is no apparent option for Business Calling as a product type when provisioning numbers through Chime SDK. Additionally, when attempting to assign a number to a Chime user, the provisioned number does not appear. Can anyone provide clarification or guidance on how business calling is handled in the context of Chime SDK, and if there are any changes or additional steps needed?

asked 6 months ago200 views
1 Answer

I'm sorry that you ran into this, Collin.

Amazon Chime does still support Business Calling. And, the right place to manage phone numbers is in the "Phone number management" section of the original Amazon Chime console. (The phone number management that is over in the Amazon Chime SDK console is for other telephony use cases. If you did provision a number over there, hoping to see it for assigning to an Amazon Chime user, you can go ahead and delete that to avoid future charges.)

So, you were in the right place when you got the 403 error. Unfortunately, it looks like there's a setting on your account that needs to be adjusted in order to avoid the 403 and make phone number management available to you. You will need to open a support case.

You can open the support case from the Amazon Chime console. In the top-right, choose "Submit request" under the Support menu.

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago

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