How to access EC2 provided site-to-site VPN via Transit Gateway


We have a legacy system which has a site to site VPN set up using an EC2 machine. I want to get traffic from a new VPC in a different AWS account to utilize this. I'm attempting to do this with a Transit Gateway (red line shows where I think the issue is):

Current setup

Pings from the new account time out so the connection isn't routing through, but I'm not sure why or how to reconfigure.

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2 Answers

There are few things you can check here

profile pictureAWS
answered 16 days ago

My guess is that somewhere in the path there is no route back to That could be at the remote end; it could be on the VPN endpoints; it could be in the VPC or it could be in the Transit Gateway route table associated with the VPC.

You should also check the encryption domain on the two VPN endpoints to ensure that traffic to/from is allowed.

When you have packets to/from I'd check the debug output on the VPN endpoints to make sure that they are encrypting and decrypting packets (even just seeing counters go up is good); and on I'd do a packet capture to see if you're receiving traffic at all.

profile pictureAWS
answered 15 days ago
profile picture
reviewed 9 days ago

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