Support question not answered


Hi team, we have AWS Developer support with 12h response time for system impaired, we are facing a difficulty and raised a ticket its been 2 days still its unassigned

已提问 1 个月前175 查看次数
2 回答


It may depend on your country's time zone, but if you submit a question at the last minute during business hours and the next day falls on a Saturday, it may take up to two days to be assigned.

*Business hours are generally defined as 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM in the customer country as set in Management Console, excluding holidays and weekends. These times may vary in countries with multiple time zones.

If you require 24/7 support from AWS Support, you will need to use a Business Support plan or above.

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已回答 1 个月前

Hi there,

I'm so sorry to hear about this frustrating experience.

Although we're unable to discuss account or case details over re:Post due to this platform being unauthenticated, I'd like to point you in the right direction to get assistance with this.

Our Support team handling your case has the right tools to directly help. In order to get this resolved, please continue to follow up your case correspondence with any questions and check to make sure that you've completed any next steps that our team has provided.

— Aimee K.

已回答 1 个月前

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