WorkMail mailbox export job failures - Internal error


With reference to (and its relocation to

We run WorkMail mailbox exports nightly via the aws workmail start-mailbox-export-job command and had failures the last 2 nights with aws workmail describe-mailbox-export-job identifying the problem as an "Internal error".

Is there anything we can do from our side to:

  • Better identify the problem?
  • Fix the issue?

For reference/clarity, the relevant output of the status command is:

    "EstimatedProgress": 0,
    "State": "FAILED",
    "ErrorInfo": "Internal error",

The target S3 bucket has encryption enabled with a KMS key specified but we've had successful backups every night since we introduced the backup process in September of last year and no related configuration has changed in that time.

  • Hi,

    I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with the mailbox export. This has been escalated to the service team and they are investigating this.

    Kind regards, Robin

  • Thanks for the response! Sorry, haven't had time to come back but after 2 consecutive days of failures the problem resolved itself (or someone actioned it for us) by the morning after I added this post and hasn't failed since.

    So I guess I'm still asking, if the problem were to occur again, if there's anything we could do on our side to resolve or better diagnose this issue or if it's just a case of raising a question on re:Post like this? It's not a big deal to us, we can live without a couple of days worth of backups but more just so we know how to handle things going forward.


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