Commercial vs GovCloud


Is there any page that will indicate when a service will become available in GovCloud? I know that there is a page called "AWS GovCloud (US) compared to Standard AWS Regions". This is a list of what is available in GovCloud. But, is there any page that has an ETA on when a specific service will become available in GovCloud? It also would be nice to know if there is a Service in GovCloud where specific functionality does not work yet. We recently ran into an issue where RedShift queries in GovCloud cannot be saved. Any insights are appreciated...Larry Cermak

gefragt vor 2 Jahren462 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Unfortunately service roadmaps are not publicly available. Each service leverages customer requested enhancements and feedback to help prioritize features to be implemented.

For any given service, you may submit a support ticket requesting this information or if you have an account manager you can request information from them on these services and capabilities.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
überprüft vor 2 Jahren

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