Issues on upgrading RDS instance from 9.5 to 9.6


We have been trying to upgrade RDS (Postgres engine 9.5.18-R1) to 9.6.14. After selecting new engine version, and selecting Apply Immediately we get this error :
Current Option Group (default:postgres-9-5-db-styygdzxjcureomoiuv4tcj5ke-upgrade) is non-default. You need to explicitly specify a new Option Group in this case (default or custom) (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination; Request ID: 29161a46-3790-4d20-b584-aff897829562)

We dont see any way to create a new postgres option group, neither we can modify the existing groups or change it to default/non-default. We believe that this group (default:postgres-9-5-db-styygdzxjcureomoiuv4tcj5ke-upgrade) was created automatically by RDS when we upgraded RDS to 9.5 from 9.3.

Can you some one please help us here? Is there any wayout to attach a different option group to existing rds(postgres)?

gefragt vor 5 Jahren1351 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Not sure if this will work, but have you tried upgrading using the CLI command aws rds modify-db-instance? Perhaps, if you set

 [--option-group-name <value>] set to "default:postgres-9-5-db-styygdzxjcureomoiuv4tcj5ke-upgrade"

it might work?

aws rds modify-db-instance help

Modifies settings for a DB instance. You can change one or more
database configuration parameters by specifying these parameters and
the new values in the request. To learn what modifications you can
make to your DB instance, call "DescribeValidDBInstanceModifications"
before you call "ModifyDBInstance" .

See also: AWS API Documentation

See 'aws help' for descriptions of global parameters.

   --db-instance-identifier <value>
   [--allocated-storage <value>]
   [--db-instance-class <value>]
   [--db-subnet-group-name <value>]
   [--db-security-groups <value>]
   [--vpc-security-group-ids <value>]
   [--apply-immediately | --no-apply-immediately]
   [--master-user-password <value>]
   [--db-parameter-group-name <value>]
   [--backup-retention-period <value>]
   [--preferred-backup-window <value>]
   [--preferred-maintenance-window <value>]
   [--multi-az | --no-multi-az]
   [--engine-version <value>]
   [--allow-major-version-upgrade | --no-allow-major-version-upgrade]
   [--auto-minor-version-upgrade | --no-auto-minor-version-upgrade]
   [--license-model <value>]
   [--iops <value>]
   [--option-group-name <value>]
   [--new-db-instance-identifier <value>]
   [--storage-type <value>]
   [--tde-credential-arn <value>]
   [--tde-credential-password <value>]
   [--ca-certificate-identifier <value>]
   [--domain <value>]
   [--copy-tags-to-snapshot | --no-copy-tags-to-snapshot]
   [--monitoring-interval <value>]
   [--db-port-number <value>]
   [--publicly-accessible | --no-publicly-accessible]
   [--monitoring-role-arn <value>]
   [--domain-iam-role-name <value>]
   [--promotion-tier <value>]
   [--enable-iam-database-authentication | --no-enable-iam-database-authentication]
   [--enable-performance-insights | --no-enable-performance-insights]
   [--performance-insights-kms-key-id <value>]
   [--performance-insights-retention-period <value>]
   [--cloudwatch-logs-export-configuration <value>]
   [--processor-features <value>]
   [--use-default-processor-features | --no-use-default-processor-features]
   [--deletion-protection | --no-deletion-protection]
   [--max-allocated-storage <value>]
   [--cli-input-json <value>]
   [--generate-cli-skeleton <value>]

Hope this helps!

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

Thanks a lot Randy :) Your advice worked.

aws rds modify-db-instance --db-instance-identifier rds_identifer_name --option-group-name "default:postgres-9-5" --profile abcd

This command should have changed the option group name, but UI shows that both options are attached, and was not allowing to upgrade even after that. After adding any useless security group, using Apply Immediately, it deleted the existing option group :)
Now i can upgrade to 9.6.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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