Use EventBridge input transformer to specify source revision override to CodePipeline source stage


We use an EventBridge rule that triggers when a tag (with matching prefix) is added to a CodeCommit git repository. We would like to pass the specific commit ID associated with the triggering tag to the Source step of a CodePipeline. An input transformer on the event rule can get the commit ID with the $.detail.commitId variable reference.

Input path: { "commitId": "$.detail.commitId" } Input template: { "commitId": "<commitId>" }

With V2 pipelines, a specific commit ID can be specified via a source revision override, either via the console or cli:

The cli start-pipeline-execution command uses the --source-revisions flag with a value in the format of actionName=Source,revisionType=COMMIT_ID,revisionValue=78a25c18755ccac3f2a9eec099dEXAMPLE.

Can the source revision override mechanism be used with an EventBridge input transformer?


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