unable to deploy application frontend to dev or prod due to cloudfont issue. I dont think the issue is with cloudfont however there are no logs to diagnose the problem. See below via CLI.


I have tried deploying my application via s3 manually uploading the build folder from my react application. It does not update the frontend. Specifically 'dev-mission-objective-frontend'. It's the same case for 'prod-mission-objective-frontend'. Something is failing and there are no logs for it. In addition when trying to deploy via the CLI I get the following error.

{ "Location": "https://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/2020-05-31/distribution//invalidation/***********", "Invalidation": { "Id": "**********", "Status": "InProgress", "CreateTime": "2023-03-13T19:46:45.153000+00:00", "InvalidationBatch": { "Paths": { "Quantity": 1, "Items": [ "/" ] }, "CallerReference": "cli-**************" } } }

<ErrorResponse xmlns="http://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/doc/2020-05-31/ "> <Error> <Type>Sender</Type> <Code>MissingAuthenticationToken</Code> <Message>Missing Authentication Token</Message> </Error> <RequestId>*************************</RequestId> </ErrorResponse>

this is deployed via the following commands

echo "Deploying Frontend..." cd frontend-app export REACT_APP_MODE='dev' npm run build aws s3 sync build/ s3://dev-mission-objective-frontend --acl public-read aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E32FFD9KLTYKNZ --paths "/*"

Could there be an issue with storage given I am using basic tier? I don't think it's related to credentials since we have checked and they're all correct. Please let me know how to resolve this issue. Has anyone ever seen this before?


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