CodeCatalyst login with AWS Identity Center


I’m super excited to use CodeCatalyst but, I’m unsure how to use it within an Enterprise that uses AWS SSO (Identity Center). What is the recommended access pattern for enterprises with hundreds of developers and dozens of teams? We definitely need a way to link an employees builder profile to AWS SSO or use that instead.

2개 답변

Amazon CodeCatalyst does not currently support SSO. I have raised a feature request with the service team on your behalf. While I am unable to comment on when this feature may get released, I request you to keep an eye on our What's New and Blog pages for any new feature announcements. Here is the documentation on how you can signup for Codecatalyst and invite your project team members to collaborate on your project.

답변함 일 년 전
  • I raised this concern in person at re:Invent, and it sounds like it's already being considered. A very closely related issue is that IAM roles are assigned at the space/project level, so actions taken in CodeCatalyst do not tie back to the Builder ID of the person who initiated them. I understand that Builder ID is meant to be separate from accounts and organizations, but if that decouples the identity of a user from the actions they take, it makes audits difficult.

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