Error in PutObjectTagging AWS PHP SDK 3.0


Seems to be an issue with the s3 PutObjectTagging() function in the PHP SDK 3.0.

The documentation example is:

$result = $client->putObjectTagging([
    'Bucket' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ChecksumAlgorithm' => 'CRC32|CRC32C|SHA1|SHA256',
    'ContentMD5' => '<string>',
    'ExpectedBucketOwner' => '<string>',
    'Key' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'RequestPayer' => 'requester',
    'Tagging' => [ // REQUIRED
        'TagSet' => [ // REQUIRED
                'Key' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
                'Value' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            // ...
    'VersionId' => '<string>',

but when I call it in my application like this:

 $result = $s3Client->PutObjectTagging([ 'Bucket' => $launch_bucket,
                                                    'Key' => $zipfilename,
                                                    'Tagging' => [
                                                        'TagSet' => [
                                                            'Key' => 'wizard',
                                                            'Value' => '1'

I get the rather bizarre error:

Found 2 errors while validating the input provided for the PutObjectTagging operation: 
[Tagging][TagSet][Key] must be an associative array. Found string(6) "wizard" 
[Tagging][TagSet][Value] must be an associative array. Found string(1) "1"

According to the documentation ( the Key and Value fields must be strings, not associative arrays ...

Unless I'm missing something really obvious ...


질문됨 8달 전268회 조회
2개 답변
수락된 답변

Ahh!!! That's it ... TagSet is an array of arrays inside an array inside an array 🙄 I must have gone code blind after staring at it for so long 😂

답변함 8달 전


I tried running the code below in my environment, but no error occurred.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Aws\S3\S3Client;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;

$s3Client = new S3Client([
    'region' => 'ap-northeast-1',
    'version' => '2006-03-01'

$result = $s3Client->putObjectTagging([
    'Bucket' => 'S3-Bucket-Name', // REQUIRED
    'Key' => 'test.yml', // REQUIRED
    'Tagging' => [ // REQUIRED
        'TagSet' => [ // REQUIRED
                'Key' => 'wizard', // REQUIRED
                'Value' => '1' // REQUIRED

I think you will be successful if your code is as below.
Try modifying it to the following code.

$result = $s3Client->PutObjectTagging([ 'Bucket' => $launch_bucket,
                                                    'Key' => $zipfilename,
                                                    'Tagging' => [
                                                        'TagSet' => [
                                                                'Key' => 'wizard',
                                                                'Value' => '1'
profile picture
답변함 8달 전
  • Hi,

    That's great to hear, thanks for your reply!

    I'm struggling to see what's different though - apart from the S3 initialisation it all looks the same as I have?


  • Comparing your code and mine, there are differences as follows.

    diff my.php your.php
    < $result = $s3Client->PutObjectTagging([ 'Bucket' => $launch_bucket,
    >  $result = $s3Client->PutObjectTagging([ 'Bucket' => $launch_bucket,
    <                                                             [
    <                                                                 'Key' => 'wizard',
    <                                                                 'Value' => '1'
    <                                                             ]
    >                                                             'Key' => 'wizard',
    >                                                             'Value' => '1'
  • My Code:

                                                            'TagSet' => [
                                                                    'Key' => 'wizard',
                                                                    'Value' => '1'

    Your Code:

                                                            'TagSet' => [
                                                                'Key' => 'wizard',
                                                                'Value' => '1'

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