AWS marketplace token generation for CI/CD tests


Is there any simpler (api/sdk) way to generate the x-amzn-marketplace-token token based on the stored credentials of the amazon test account? So when we try to setup our software via the marketplace listing, a POST call is made in response to which aws generates a registration token. this token is then used in the AWS Marketplace Metering Service calls later to perform different operations. And i was basically trying to automate the process of signing up from marketplace but as far as i could see, the token generation is opaque and only generated by amazon itself. so i couldn't find any corresponding sdk/api call in amazon documentation to simulate this action in my automation.

In order to get that marketplace registration token, I really want to avoid spawning a full browser and simulating a user logging in, going to the product page, and clicking subscribe which would be my second approach if i don't have a direct way of generating the token.

已提问 2 年前516 查看次数
1 回答

Unfortunately, currently the only way to generate the x-amzn-marketplace-token is by going to the AWS Marketplace subscription page for your seller product and clicking on "Setup up software" or the "Click here to set up your account" links.

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已回答 2 年前

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