AWS Blu Insights account is inactive even after registration


Upon attempting to log into AWS Blu Insights, I encountered a registration page. After entering the required details, I received a message indicating that my Blu Insights account is still inactive.

posta 3 mesi fa150 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte
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It is also possible that your account is activated, but you might be trying to log in with the “root” AWS role. However, it is possible you signed up with a different AWS role. In the AWS console, you can switch to the role used during your registration and log in to AWS Blu Insights.

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con risposta 3 mesi fa
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verificato un mese fa
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verificato 2 mesi fa
  • Verify the IAM role used by Blu Insights has the necessary permissions to access the service, including the m2:GetSignedBluinsightsUrl action on the correct resource ARN.
  • Make sure to replace the AWS Region and account ID correctly in the IAM policy example if using that method.
  • It may take some time after account creation and role configuration for the status to be updated to active in the Blu Insights system.
  • Review any error messages in the AWS console or Blu Insights registration page carefully for clues on the cause.
  • As a test, try deleting and recreating the IAM role to Blu Insights to ensure it has the latest policy configuration applied.
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con risposta 3 mesi fa

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