Charged $1.00 After Creating An Instance In EC2


Last week, i was charged $1.00 After Creating An Instance In EC2. Why? And Will aws refund ?

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asked 21 days ago134 views
3 Answers


it was a card verification charge that will be refunded automatically. AWS charges the amount at the end of your billing cycle and not before that.

Please look at AWS Document link & you will get more information.

answered 21 days ago

The $1.00 charge is likely an authorization hold that AWS places on your payment method to verify it. This is a common practice when setting up new services to ensure the payment method is valid. The charge is not actually deducted from your account and should be automatically released by your bank after a short period.

Check with Your Bank: The $1.00 should be a temporary hold and will typically be released back to your account within a few days.

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answered 21 days ago

The $1.00 charge is likely an authorization hold. Your bank should release it automatically. Check with your bank or contact AWS Support if the hold is not released in a reasonable time.

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answered 21 days ago
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reviewed 19 days ago

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