All Content tagged with Amazon CodeCatalyst
Amazon CodeCatalyst is an integrated DevOps service that brings together everything software development teams need to plan, code, build, test and deploy applications on AWS into a seamless, collaborative experience.
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We have some startup commands in our DevFile that are required to be run as the executing user (mde-user). I noticed that you [only...
In order to understand how CodeCatalyst can meet our audit requirements, we would like to know how long CodeCatalyst retains workflow execution results? Are these stored perpetually until/unless the...
How can set/unset the default region in a CodeCatalyst Dev Environment? When I go to login to AWS SSO using CLI, my profile has the default region set to us-east-1, but that seems to be...
What is the function of Personal connections in My settings here I searched a lot but I did not find it useful I actually tried to use it but it is useless I...
There is a bug in the AWS Builder ID sign up, on the second step it asked two fields.
I can't remember the first field, but the second field asked me which region I want to use. I didn't select...
Seems to be not concurrently supported:
- CodeCatalyst for git repositories
- Amplify with separate repos for FE,BE
The reason is that Amplify doesn't (yet??) know how to deploy from a CodeCatalyst...
Given the recent announcement regarding the demise of CodeCommit, does anyone know if there are any implications for CodeCatalyst?
I am using CodeCatalyst for a serverless application which uses CDK. I have two workflows - one for development and another for production. After deploying to development environment, I intend to use...
Hello, when we create a feature branch in our repository, a new workflow starts running and a "development" stack is created in CloudFormation. When we delete the branch, the workflow becomes...
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Hello there,
I want to add a project for developer tools. However, when I tried to create a CodeStar project, I...
In order to use context feature Amazon Q Developer Pro, is it a good choice put my code files on Amazon CodeCatalyst? Are there other possibilities?